Please see: [Warning] Cheffrey Epstein (Discord)
The Untold Dawn staff witnessed this player join an emerging game’s Discord community and act in an abrasive and disrespectful manner, behavior which had gotten them warned here at Untold Dawn a few months ago.
The player has no character in the game and, based on what we witnessed, we have decided that they are not welcome in our Discord community.
While they haven’t posted in Untold Dawn in a while, we just don’t trust them to be a positive member of the community and don’t think we’d ever be in the position where we would consider him for play.
You can see the attached log to the conversation that we witnessed below.
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:19 AM
I don't see why I need to explain beyond the base point that exclusive progression being based on admin observation and bias is trite, lazy game design, ""IN MY OPINION""
maybe I simply would've liked the game if I could play a dwarf in an environment I have 20 years of experience in
but I'm not going to "try" for that right
after armageddon was such a shitshow, and a shit game
the rest are literally elves and human2
Kory — Today at 11:20 AM
reading again might help
as this wasn't something I ever asked about
and also relatively agree with
Synzig — Today at 11:20 AM
RPP/karma has been a system tied to RPI games since their inception. I kind of get not liking it, but automated systems (such as seen in harshlands) have their own flaws.
Kory — Today at 11:20 AM
not to get all 'basic reading comprehension is useful'
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:21 AM
it has been tied to the armageddon-type of admin bias game
Synzig — Today at 11:21 AM
And the scale/scope of AM at the moment is more intimate and familiar. Most of the players have active interactions with the staff in some capacity.
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:21 AM
since its inception
Kory — Today at 11:21 AM
but again I think explaining why you think the basic concept has to be shit would be useful
Synzig — Today at 11:21 AM
It's a very cooperative storytelling experience, unlike something like arma.
Kory — Today at 11:21 AM
the only thing I've seen you effectively explain so far is
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:21 AM
i really think anyone that would get it could see it
Kory — Today at 11:21 AM
why someone might not want you around
which you're definitely arguing p. persuasively at least
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:22 AM
well I mean in and of itself that's pretty useful context to the statements
I'm already not going to play the game so community points are not really
the aim
Synzig — Today at 11:23 AM
If you don't like the systems AND don't feel compelled to provide any constructive feedback I'm not sure I understand why you keep posting.
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:23 AM
as for why I think it's a bad idea and a toxic move I could probably drum up a page but frankly this is a first
usually I get passionately yelled at and it all goes down the drain
I think it's bad because it enforces all of the shitty mentalities posted above, whether suicide, admin-frotting, attention-begging, or wallowing in lack of admin cookies, while also gating things that really aren't cool enough to gate, in lieu of different, actually exciting content
It looks like it's there just to
1: serve as a gate
2: keep me in my place
The game might be interesting or compelling to me if it was differently set up but while it is, as it is, I will never play
Points = progress is basic reality, but admin kudos = progress is depressing.
Not to mention it puts this weight on staff's shoulders to distribute points fairly which has never worked in history ever
Synzig — Today at 11:26 AM
From what I've experienced during my time in play here, if you log in, interact with players and show you aren't a shitheel you get rewarded with RPP. Additionally, you passively gain BP while playing.
Koala — Today at 11:26 AM
So, reading all of this, how do you know that the things that are being gated aren't cool enough to be gated?
Synzig — Today at 11:26 AM
BP allows you to juice up your next character with neat stuff without any admin intervention.
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:26 AM
entitled opinion
Koala — Today at 11:27 AM
Okay, judging things without actually knowing about them. Got it.
Kory — Today at 11:27 AM
I'm still
barely at this point
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:27 AM
They said this about armageddon, and nobody I know ever got to play anything cool
is my main reluctance to that idea
Kory — Today at 11:27 AM
confused and curious at why RPP separates a shitty dwarf from a cool dwarf
(or if it does idk)
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:27 AM
actually what I said was shitty legolas
Kory — Today at 11:27 AM
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:27 AM
like what I was saying was
Kory — Today at 11:27 AM
and what I said was dwarf
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:27 AM
I fail to see why having the 6rpp makes it an endgame character to begin with
like a legolas
Kory — Today at 11:28 AM
it doesn't
endgame is definitely an MMO-y perspective
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:28 AM
but that's logistics that I don't necessarily belong in because I don't know game build systems, nonetheless it is not nearly as cool as legolas, thus meaning I had to suck dick and pick cotton for what is, at the end of today, still a level 1 hobo
Synzig — Today at 11:28 AM
I had this experience like 20 years ago in SoI (old lotr mud). I had been playing for some time, at with what I thought was a high quality of play, and was stuck at 1 RPP.
Instead of being petulant, I reached out to one of the admins and said "hey, I have been playing for a while not and am not being rewarded. Did I do something?"
Koala — Today at 11:29 AM
I will literally throw out RPP like candy if you meet the criteria listed for said RPP
Synzig — Today at 11:29 AM
They responded in kind acknowleding the oversight and awarded me the "deserved" RPP.
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:29 AM
this usually gets people directly punished for insolence in my experience
Synzig — Today at 11:30 AM
Or maybe you're the problem.
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:30 AM
Regardless of how I feel about your use of draconian points systems this seems like a super strong community
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:30 AM
Oh, I was definitely a problem. There doesn't need be only one ring.
Kory — Today at 11:30 AM
Synzig — Today at 11:30 AM
Bad children don't get treats
Kory — Today at 11:30 AM
that's right out
this is lotr
there in fact does have to be one ring to rule them all
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:31 AM
Being treated like a child by a glorified old world discord admin may have been what led me to act like one
on top of; having actually been a child
Synzig — Today at 11:33 AM
While I'm trying to keep an open mind, you have not made a positive first impression in either tone or content.
The "I dislike RPP" argument has happened ad nauseum. I've been on both sides of the conversation. In my experience it's entirely unproductive, especially for a game in its infancy where you can reach out to an admin and talk out your ideas / plans / goals and they are likely to be open to the conversation.
Cheffrey Epstein — Today at 11:39 AM
didn't intend to 🫡 all I said was that I wouldn't play the game and why, in the interest of personal feedback, as someone that is developing on their own time