Liquids, LiquidContainers

An object can hold a liquid if it is a LiquidContainer. A LiquidContainer stores an array of Regeants and their amounts. A LiquidContainer should also have a maximum capacity.

A SQL database called ChemistryRecipes and a command ‘chemistry’ that allows one to create recipes for chemistry. When a new liquid is moved to a container, it should check this database for the closest match.

Machines that dispense fluids into a LiquidContainer.

If you pour the contents of a LiquidContainer onto an object that is not a LiquidContainer, you ‘spill’ them and get rid of them.

If you are in a room with more than 50% any liquid of its total capacity, you will be drowning (eventually make swimming? or maybe for this update?). It should tell you if it is a small puddle, a puddle, a large puddle, etc. Or brimmed to the tip.

If a room is a LiquidContainer and Sunlit, the liquid should slowly evaporate at 30 mL per 10 minutes.

There should be raining in Sunlit rooms. If they are also a LiquidContainer, these rooms should slowly fill up.

this should be tied to needs to include thirst, include dehydration.

There is a mouth bodypart or component in every character that is a liquid container. It checks what you’re drinking, producing the appropriate emote about its taste. The stomach is also a liquidcontainer and a container, and it can catch a stomach bug if the liquid is not clean. The kidneys then absorb the water, controlling your dehydration.