I don’t believe this was posted on the forums, but it was discussed a bit on Discord. My own opinion is that the best approach towards this is to have a system that follows the following: stabilization < tending < treatment < healing.
What I mean by this is stabilizing someone shouldn’t be too hard to do. Why? People can mess up in writing and having someone die because you mis-typed something is not fun for anyone. So even someone not too trained could inject a medipen or something to stabilize someone.
Next comes tending. A tended wound will very slowly heal up. This will take time and someone can’t mess around or they risk re-opening a wound. A tended wound still applies its debuffs.
After that is treatment. Professionals can properly treat wounds, which works like a much better tending. A tended wound no longer debuffs someone and heals much quicker, but can still re-open if you mess up.
Lastly, healing. Some expert or who knows what technology could just outright heal a wound. This of course being some expensive thing or gatekept somehow.
Wounds is the catch-all term for damage past a certain point which applies to you. Take too much damage and you accrue them, with them lowering your capabilities somehow. Impacted stats, skills, maybe accuracy, etc.
Basically, damage isn’t just a value, but ultimately a quantifiable injury. You SHOULD be able to be treated without having to seek out a professional, but you’ll be dealing with a long convalescent time or maybe even long lasting injuries.