NarrowRoom flag which makes it so that a list is kept of people in the order they came in.
SmallRoom flag which limits the amount of characters in it.
Vec<Character, Exit>
room narrow add
room narrow remove
room capacity - If set to 0 it will remove the SmallRoom flag.
If you are the first to have gone in, you can go to the other exits.
If you are second, you will see a message like:
‘This place is too narrow to move and the runic male is blocking your passage. You can only go .’
The person shown will be the person BEFORE you in the list. If the person is lying prone (unconscious or the like), you can pass.
However, you can return the way you came.
If the person is crouched, prone or lower, you can pass over them, causing them some minor damage in the process. You go over them on the list, or to the next room.
This can be used for narrow passages (caves) or stuff like submarines or tiny ships in the future.
For SmallRoom flag, it checks it before entering, and tells you ‘This room is too crowded for you to fit in.’ Logged out or unconscious people don’t count.