A super-simplified version of RL medical proforma to use for patient records
Name: Name of the patient
Description: their sdesc, or a brief, vague description of the same
Ingame time and date: QC time
Chief Complaint and background: Whatever symptom they are exhibiting and why, if they can tell you, or an assumed cause, based on your RP with the patient and the case
Treatment: What you used to treat them
Notes: Anything you might want to add
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It just occured to me, that putting the above in a Bio, using the text editor may be a herculean task, as copy-paste doesn’t seem to work in the way intended.
To that end, perhaps a machine in Medbay akin to CrushOS and SuppliOS, called MediOS or something, that prompts you for the above fields and you can enter them one by one and it is saved with the entering person’s name and rank, as well as the date and time of entry?
You enter: input medios record new
Output: Name?
Input: input medios Deadpool
Output: Chief Complaint?
Input: input medios Being an insufferable asshole and blabbing constantly
Output: treatment?
Input: input medios sewed his mouth shut
And so on and so forth
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