Planet Artemis: Pre-Alpha Lore

This page is under construction and the lore here is not final by any means.

Artemis is the main planet in which Untold Dawn exists. For the foreseeable future, it will be the home of the colonists sent by Profesor Callysto’s mission.

The Discovery

After Professor Callysto discovered Planet Artemist, one of the best candidates for human life due to its near-earth conditions and strategic presence in its own solar system, individuals from the most diverse backgrounds eagerly submitted their applications for the missions, with recruitment centers sprouting in the most unexpected places: town halls, educational institutions, malls and even hospitals.

Endless queues wound around the blocks as holographic displays extolled the advantages of enlistment to any willing listener. Among them, desperate individuals eager to sacrifice familial ties for the promise of substantial financial compensation to be bestowed upon those left behind. Unwitting students, uncertain about their life paths and career-orientated corporate aspirants, determined to carve a niche for themselves joined the ranks of enthusiastic applicants.

Stringent medical examinations were conducted, with rejections being the norm rather than the exception. Comprehensive DNA testing was employed, barring all but the most robust and genetically resilient individuals, emphasizing both genetic vitality and physical fitness.

The massive undertaking of sending colonists to Artemis was at first considered a novelty or some kind of overly-ambitious plan, and those who signed up were either desperate or early adopters.

As the project continued, candidates were informed about the cryogenic process and its risks – there’s a group of people who undergo cryogenic sleep who never wake up from it. The preparation also involves various uncomfortable steps.

For instance, candidates are informed that the day of the mission, they will need to undergo a procedure to replace their blood with a special cryoprotectant solution designed to prevent ice crystal formation and cellular damage during the freezing process. This would involves a gradual replacement of blood through an intravenous drip while, simultaneously, drugs are administered to reduce the metabollism and prepare it for its long rest.

Many bow out at this stage after this information, pressured by their families or their own fears of the procedure. But a healthy group remain.

The risks of the mission and its implication in the fate of humanity begin to get serious debate around the world. Several congresses become divided, arguing that their countries should ban participation in the process or not, with corporate interests thickly in the line. Some of these conversations turn violent.


Artemis is a planet that closely resembles Earth, although its atmosphere is considered to be more toxic; it is generally breathable within reasonable measure. Its landscape is diverse, with flora and fauna that is unique to the planet, but is as diverse as Planet Earth.

Due to the massive distance between the Solar System and Artemis, only overarching geographical patterns are known about Artemis, and the Artemis Mission is eventually planned to act as explorers and colonizers of this planet.

Prospects & Projects

Professor Callysto’s mission is the first of many projects that are being planned around Artemis. Several mega-corporations have been calling for Artemis to be the host of a sprawling colony city, although the project is considered wildly ambitious. Nevertheless, billionaires and several groups have pledged to support such an endeavor.

The resources of Artemis have been a major point of interest to several groups; there’s a notable interest to lay the foundations of a logistic network between Artemis and the Solar System. Such a project, although likely to take several years, is on the final stages of conversations. The colonists’ exploration will take a vital role in its fruition.

There’s also interest in using the planet as an exile for the most deadly criminals, setting up the colony with a ultra-security jail, taking advantage of the vast unbuilt space of Artemis – a luxury that is no longer present in Planet Earth. This jail would be nearly a death sentence for the criminals, who would be under the care of colonists that would act as jailors and devote their time to handling them.

Although debate back at Planet Earth is at its all-time high, for now the colonization efforts are the only certain and approved thing to happen in the coming years. Perhaps, with the enterprise of some of the colonists, more efforts will receive the green light.